30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 4

Habit Change: Keeping It Simple

This morning I woke up without a thought that I was on this writing journey. What makes it easy for me to hop on my computer and type is that this challenge is not about how much I write, rather that I actually do. I couldn’t have made it any simpler.

When we look at creating new habits, we can easily give up if the habit takes a lot of effort in our part. With this challenge, I have reminded myself to make the habits as simple as possible to have greater success in my commitment. That is all for now :)

What do you think? Have you made habit changes or are you looking into making a change? Please feel free to comment below.



Felipe Oracio Gonzalez

Curiosity has led me to many experiences -drug abuse to gambling, -making life changes -Running a marathon -walk across America -Study Bible Follow Me